The Fever
brown middles/dances/wake/ cheer
single mirrored patch/yellow mountain
puffs/dream smile/to pull/from/shrill
laughter cloud
to take/me out/right me/outside me
Rittenhouse, her favorite food cart, and a Philadelphia breakfast, and my obsessions, a carriage ride, feasting, and harmony.
Service, she koala, vegemite, furious, furry, and the approach of a subtle aroma, smitten, spent, the vocal utter: see-tay, see-et-ay, coma toma, hearing her smile, pronounced passion.
Peacemaker of Arch Street, vision of tsunami shores, a chant to imagine, and eyes, and the grin, her silk, my wallet, my shrine, hand-drawn, the speed dial, the history, her name, with meaning: cosmographical.
Bio Note
Greg Bem grew up in Southern Maine and quickly moved to Rhode Island where he received his BFA in Creative Writing in 2008. He worked for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, then moved to Philadelphia where he worked as an airport bookseller, a manuscript reviewer, a gourmet grocer in the Reading Terminal Market, a data entry processor in the suburbs, and as an assistant and aid at Olney High School West in North Philly. While in Philadelphia he was a member of the late Poetic Arts Performance Project (PAPP) and the New Philadelphia Poets (NPP). In September of 2010 he moved to Seattle, Washington. He lives in the Columbia City neighborhood, and when not selling books at the Sea-Tac airport, he helps out with the Northwest Spoken Word Poetry Lab (SPLAB), the Rainier Valley Food Bank, and Seattle Public Library's youth program. He also participates in medical research studies that supply him with pinpricks and cash money. His current major project is his photo-poetry collaboration with Linda Thea called Ghost to New York (ghostny.wordpress.com). His personal blog is penumbrae.wordpress.com. He regularly enjoys 72% dark chocolate infused with chili pepper.
Also, check out my new website, which is more current than the old blog! gregbem.com!