Monday, May 30, 2011

Motivation Mondays: A Year in Resolutions!

It’s a pleasant start to summer here in the Lawson-Cassady household. We got back last night from a very restorative family visit. As soon as I post this I’m getting back into bed with sweetie and Steve Martin’s new art novel, An Object of Beauty. Later I’ll plant morning glories.

Tomorrow will be the end of my yearlong experiment with The Happiness Project. (I’ll try to have more to say about it tomorrow.) My brother, a psychology major (and soon to be guest-motivator!) says that the only way to be truly happy is to feel like you’re making progress, and I’d agree, given the practical, virtuous nature of most of these resolutions.

Following these resolutions really did pull me out of a depression. I rewrote some of the month-specific ones so they’d work any time:

Virgo it up.
Sit outside more.

Be less abstracted.

Make some more art.

Work hard.

Write a lot of poems.

Get on more stages.

Do more things that are just about art.

Be brazen.

More silence.

Send out the manuscript.

Get less lonely.

Apply for stuff.

Bring photos into the physical realm.

Cut down on screen time.

Branch out.

Practice trust.

Get pretty drink sometimes.

Move life forward.

Evening walks with Amy.

Avoid emotional eating, emotional internet-checking, etc.

Submit and query.

Get good grades.

Do yoga.

Dance more.

Embrace imperfection.

Walk in the woods.

Buy less.

Make meals that involve steps.

Follow curiosity more avidly.

Write, write, write, write, write. Write a mountain.

Strength training.

Practice the gift of spousal silence.

Get some money and take care of it.

Make friends with first and second gear.

Be more out in lots of ways.

Make myself at home.

Music, music, music, music, music!

Recognize, accept, and believe love.

Practice writing about difficult things.

Sit in cafes with stacks of books.

Be less aloof from the divine and more out about my religious side.

Wake up early on weekdays, late on weekends.

Walk in the morning, swim in the afternoon.

Show love.


  1. you should write that out on a broadside and sell it cheap -- i'd love to have that list displayed in my life!

  2. Haha I was thinking about making myself a poster of it anyway! :)
