2016, Russian Troll Farms helped Americans hone our unfortunate skills of hating
women and people of color (and our/their pesky “identity politics”) to
undermine our election and support straight white male supremacy on both the
right and the left, including efforts to suppress the African American vote
overall. (
I’ll stop writing about 2016 someday, but not until its influence is over.
in 2018, we’re seeing a lot of progress despite the ongoing fascism at the top.
We have so many more female candidates, LGBT candidates, and candidates of
color to root and cheer and canvass for. But as much as those candidates will
have our support, as much as I believe in the Blue Wave and the Rainbow Wave
and all of the other against-evil signs that I see in our near future, it
saddens and angers me that all of the inspired candidates entering into or
persisting in our political sphere will face the misogyny, homophobia, racism,
and white male entitlement of Trump’s/Sanders’s/Putin’s well-trained army of
Bernie’s adherents turn their Hillary-hatred toward Kamala Harris and Corey
Booker, heaping them with comment-contempt and demonizing all Democrats as
shills, will that hurt the Blue Wave and end up (maybe unintentionally) supporting
Trump’s agenda? Will the Left’s version of white male supremacy end up
supporting the Right’s? I hope not. I know the White Male Supremacist Left is
louder than it is pervasive (That’s why they don’t get, you know, THE VOTES.)
but I still think reclaiming the government in November is going to take extra
badass efforts on the part of all intersectional feminists and our allies.
the misogynist Troll Farm mentality is concentrated in the MAGA/Our Revolution
camps, our training in abusive commenting bleeds into everything. Last year
when the Al Franken story broke, my misery at being triggered by that gross
picture was made worse by the fact that many of the members of the Marching
Onward Facebook Group (Which has previously felt like a marvelously comforting
group of Hillary supporters to me.) refused to acknowledge Franken’s
misconduct, preferring to gaslight, debase, and undermine his victims. I hear
that they have since moved on to trashing Kirsten Gillibrand for daring to
speak out about Bill Clinton’s abuse of power.
abuse, voter suppression, racism, and cultural gaslighting are not just the
product of some right-wing “other”—they are everyone’s problem, everyone’s
fault, and EVERYONE’S responsibility to change.
live in a very liberal neighborhood, but since 2016 I’ve been learning more and
more about its general Get Outness. I’ve
learned over and over that the label of “liberal” does not translate to “not-misogynist”
or “not white supremacist.” But still, it usually seems like things are getting
better. As we gear up for the primary election, we are lucky enough to have a
choice between two Democrats of color for State Representative; an incumbent
guy with lots of charisma and all the best endorsements, and a lady challenger who
is very vocal in opposing the NRA but about whom it can be hard to find other
information. I’m likely to vote for the incumbent because he seems more vocally
supportive of LGBT rights, but I feel protective of the female candidate, for
good reason.
other day, on our neighborhood Facebook group, a neighbor asked a perfectly
straightforward question about the female candidate’s endorsements. Her
question seemed to trip some sort of Manchurian Candidate wire in many neighbors’’
heads. They saw this innocuous question as a chance to show contempt for the
female candidate, dismiss her accomplishments, and denigrate Democrats in
general. I just Googled the male candidate to make sure and yep, he’s a
Democrat too, but for ladies, it’s for some reason a sin to have the benefit of
belonging to a party. It was a thread of
very low-key misogyny, but it let me know that Troll Farm mentality is still in
effect, and I pushed back and then turned off notifications.
been suspicious of calls for civility ever since I realized they most often
come from conservative white people, so I won’t ask for civility here. But
since I can’t go back in the political TARDIS to 2016 and get my Bernieful neighbors
to respect women’s accomplishments and help us save America from Trump, I can
ask them for that respect now. Stop erasing women’s accomplishments, and stop
pretending that misogyny is anybody’s
revolution, that it does anything but support the status quo. For America to
prosper, to get all of the freedom and inclusiveness our country is supposed to
stand for, you have to stop using the comment section as a way to put women in
our place. Nobody signed up for Troll Farm Hate Training, it was forced upon us.
It is way past time to let that training go.
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