1. These Books: Sloane Crosely’s How Did You Get This Number, Elna Baker’s The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance, Chelsea Handler’s Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, Carolyn Parkhurst’s The Nobodies’ Album.
2. Family camping trip!
3. Especially sitting around reading with Shae.
4. Swimming in Lake Ontario with the Carters, with Shae saying “This! Is so! Great!” over and over.
5. Driving to Dover listening to Sleigh Bells, Miike Snow, Big Star, etc.
6. The Arcade Fire concert!
7. Celebrating my astonishing students at the Summer of Creativity Festival.
8. ESPECIALLY my youngest Summer Student, Supersophisticated 9 year old Miranda—most of the audience was there to see her.
9. Amazing birthday care package from my Sister-in-law and family.
10. Getting to spend more time with Amy, even if most of it is in the car.
11. An entire season of United States of Tara in like a day.
12. Listening to Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs every minute including right now.
13. Going out to look at art.
14. This: http://www.thewildernessdowntown.com/ How do people come up with stuff?
15. New evening walks.
16. The times when all I wanted to do was watch baaaad TV with wifie: Thanks Big Brother.
17. The new season of Mad Men. Still can't wait for Sally’s spin-off.
18. Raising money for Gulf cleanup.
19. Radiolab, Sound Opinions, Risk, Too Beautiful to Live, and other podcasts.
20. Lots of morning glories and our first Philadelphia tomato.
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