Monday, June 22, 2020

Poetic License Horoscope for June 22-29

Gemini: There were so, so many options for how to celebrate Juneteenth this year! The stars hope it’ll be like this every year, but with slightly less Zoom! By next year, it’ll be a national holiday, and we’ll all be dancing maskless in the park or street or backyard or museum. Till then, treat yourself or teach yourself, or both, and rise up all you can. Celebrate all of your freedom and your friends.

Cancer: The morning glories are starting to bloom, just slowly, just the purple ones so far. Tend every spindly shoot, give them sticks or baskets or chairs to climb on. Trim a few back so the rest can grow unabashed, unruly, tall and grabby as can be. By fall, you’ll be surrounded by blue determination, breathing hope into you every time you walk out the door, petals and vines of your own resilience.

Leo: OMG!!! All of the local fancy gardens have opened, plus the pool and the beach. It feels so overwhelming, and the stars mostly still need to commune with the flowers of Instagram. Follow them all and take it slow, scrolling past one petal, one leaf, one sustaining burst of purple at a time. At home, the streets are full of rose-scent, even if you venture a block! Wherever and whenever you emerge, there’s every treasure waiting for you. Even under quarantine, you’re a flower millionaire.

Virgo: James Baldwin said “I can’t be a pessimist because I am alive. To be a pessimist means that you have agreed that life is an academic matter, so I’m forced to be an optimist. I’m forced to believe that we can survive whatever we must survive.” You might not be James Baldwin though, so it’s okay sometimes to quiet your optimism and just listen to whatever hurt is kind enough to be shared with you. Take it in your hand like diamonds.

Libra: It’s pride, and the stars are so glad that the rainbows are expanding, keep adding new angles and intersections! Or, more accurately, those other stripes have always been there, we’re just getting better at loving them, we hope! Wear all of your stripes like wizard’s robes and write your own Mirror of Erised. Better yet, smash the whole mirror and write what’s perfect, now, and real. In June and always you’re in charge of writing yourself—keep writing!

Scorpio:  Spritzers are our Sundays this summer, and White Claws are our weekday religion. Dedicate entire labyrinths of brainspace to which seltzer goes with which pink wine, which flavor would go best with illicit neighborhood fireworks and a Wet Hot American Summer rewatch. For goodness sake, don’t try the coconut!
Sagittarius: “Blammo!” says Liz Lemon after she gets in an argument through a window with a bookstore clerk, “Another successful interaction with a man!” The thing is, though, maybe it WAS successful! Don’t be afraid to be a pain in the ass, for maybe better reasons than Liz had though. High five a million angels, as Liz would also say, for every snip at a ‘splaining stranger, every strongly worded letter, every time you go after the mayor in his or her or their own comments section. (Jeez, just get rid of Columbus already! I want us to be on Rebecca Solnit’s tally!) Bug them all until the patriarchy is toppled, the police are defunded, the prisons are abolished, and so on. Never stop not stopping!

Capricorn: The stars saw you doing your poetry on the steps of the art museum the other day, vulnerably implacable against the coming and going storms. What you may not have noticed was the sparkling shaft of rainbow light shining down through the rare clouds, bundling you up in protection and peace like spiritual bubble wrap, or better yet, like a million real hugs. You are the steps and sky and universe’s treasure, and you shall have every single important thing.

Aquarius: The stars are a little upset that people are getting too casual about masks, so we’re sending caution and bedazzled bandannas to everyone you know and love. We’re sending blankets, and tea, and pink wine spritzers, and 30 Rock episodes, and romcoms to read. Horror stories only if they need a safe thrill. Sometimes, our first names are Chicken And, so we know about soup, we know about pillows, and so do you. Bring everyone you know flowers, especially you. If you run out of generosity, we will shine you down some more.

Pisces: Study unusual animal friendships like it’s your job! The pangolin who bonds with the bat over their unfair vilification.  The cat who befriends a baby duck then wakes up one day with a grown duck on her head. Listen as the birds of all shapes and kinds weave themselves into an undistanced flock to sing “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” Follow their advice and let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Aries: All hail the KPop fans and Tik Tok teens who banded together to sabotage Agent Orange’s vile, slap-in-the-face, murder-by-breath trip to Tulsa. Every context is political, every platform is a valuable shout, and every person is responsible for fighting fascism in their own way. There are as many ways to resist as there are stars in the sky. Get in where you fit in, Aries!

Taurus: The stars spend a good chunk of time wondering if Ventiko, the artist responsible for Dexter the Emotional Support Peacock, was part of the same artists’ collective that trained Pizza Rat and Selfie Rat. Whether she brought Dexter to the airport sincerely or as performance art, think of Dexter every day. What wild, extravagant, proud, so-decadent-as-to-be-absurd care can you give yourself. Do it all.

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